
Much of the code I have written is in Python, as is it both my language of choice, and the language with which I possess the most experience, having learnt Python through the NCSS Challenge of 2009, at age 13. Some years later, I learnt Javascript, and used it to add functionality to some websites. I dabbled in C and C++ during the course of the DCPU fever. I started university in 2014, at Curtin’s Bentley campus in Perth, Western Australia. During the Object Oriented Program Design course I learnt some basic Java.

I have dabbled in some basic Go, Clojure, and Haskell. Future goals are to learn more about functional programming languages, and to be comfortable in at least one.

For much of these projects, more information is available on the linked GitHub pages, where applicable.

DuckDB: C++, Python, NodeJS, Java

DuckDB, an OLAP (OnLine Analytical Processing database) that I’ve been contributing to

DuckDB Engine: Python

Sqlalchemy driver for duckdb

autobit: Python

A library for easy automation of the bittorrent client via its web client’s api

Genda: Python

Originally created at the Perth Student Hackathon 2014, a SaaS for gender/pronoun selection, similiar in operation to Gravatar

Sea Lang: C

A simple flex+bison attempt at a toy language. Some internals are inspired by the CPython interpreter’s internals.

PyTransperth: Python

A scraper project to pull data from transperths various web-facing services. Docs available on read the docs.

PyALP: Python (Django), HTML, CSS, Javascript

An idiotic attempt at porting the ‘04 era PHP application for managing lan parties ALP, primarily for use at RFLAN.


A stupid shell written in C for the DCPU16 platform

Project ByTeMoRe: BASIC, Python

A microcontroller based multimedia controller

dcputoolchain-module-site: Python

A basic proxy for the GitHub API, with some basic search functionality bolted on top.

Tyrian: Python, LISP

A moderately simple and largely incomplete implementation of LISP in Python, compiling into Python Bytecode. The writeup and documentation for the project can be found here at the tyrian subdomain.

Mausembler: Python

A failed attempt at writing an assembler for the DCPU16 platform. See below for another attempt in C++, Jupiter

Jupiter: C++

My second (or third, depending on who’s asking) attempt at an assembler, still a work in progress, so we shall see how I go.

tf-idf: Python

Search engine algorithm for my NCSS Summer School project. Named after the algorithm which was used, so quite unoriginal :P

Table Select Web: Python, Javascript

A table selection webapp, originally written in ad-hoc jQuery. Hosted on Heroku This was originally written for my year 12 ball of 2013, where the traditional method had been to pin a sheet of paper on an accessable wall at school, and allow some people to pick where they would sit, and for other people to screw around and mess everyones seating up.

Tumblr Ember: Javascript

Essentially an experiment to see how much I had learnt from building Table Select Web. Standalone blog viewing is possible, but viewing a users dashboard is not due to limitations in Tumblr API authentication system, and that I wanted to keep the app purely client side.

Micheal Nikulinsky’s Art: Python

Thus far my single commission work, though the comissioner never got around to actually providing any art to be displayed on the site. Front end ain’t pretty, but the backend uses the Google data API to pull image URL’s from Google Web Albums.